Kylie Jenner launched Sprinter, the ultimate vodka soda in a can. Made with simple, high-quality ingredients – premium vodka, sparkling water and real fruit juice – and created in four true-to-fruit flavors, Sprinter is a bold and refreshing new entry into the RTD space.
Kylie tapped Chandra Richter, a female beverage development expert with over 20 years of experience and a PhD in molecular biology, to serve as Head of Product Development and Supply Chain. After over a year of taste testing, the duo achieved the perfect balance of flavors and Sprinter was born: a 100-calorie, 4.5% ABV canned vodka soda made with real fruit juice and with no added sugar, available in four true-to-fruit flavors (Black Cherry, Peach, Grapefruit and Lime).
Bold, vibrant and eye-catching on the shelf, Sprinter is available in an 8-can variety pack for an SRP of $19.99.